ni sy copy n paste dr email gak
jazakallah yer
saya pun namanya medical student
tapi x tahu sgt benda2 ni
so kena belajar ni
esok lusa patient tnya
leh sebarkan ilmu ni plak
( From the 9th Fiqh-Medical Seminar, convened at Casablanca, Morocco,during 8-11 Safar 1418, corresponding to 14-17 June 1997, under theeminent auspices of the Commander of the Faith- ful, His Majesty KingHassan II. The theme of the seminar was "An Islamic View of CertainContemporary Medical Issues", and it was held jointly with the HassanII Institute for Scientific and Medical Research on Ramadhan, theISESCO, the Islamic Fiqh Academy, and the World Health OrganisationRegional Office.)
3. Substances and actions that nullify the fastingAccording to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the prophet (pbuh)three actions nullify fasting: eating, drinking and sexualintercourse. (rujuk [al-Baqarah 2:187] )Therefore, the passing of anysolid or liquid sybstance that can be described as food or drink, inany quantity through the gullet would nullify fasting.
Accordingly, the p.articipants agreed unanimously that the followingdo not nullify fasting.
1. Eye and ear drops, and ear wash.
2. Nitroglycerine tablets placed under the tongue for the treatment ofangina.
3. Insertion into the vagina of pessaries, medical ovules, vaginalwashes, vaginal speculum, and doctor's or midwife's fingers duringpelvic examination.
4. Insertion of the urethroscope into man or woman radio-opaque mediafor X-ray diagnosis or bladder irrigation.
5. Tooth drilling, extraction, cleaning or the use of mis-~ andtoothbursh, provided nothing is swallowed into the stomach, do notnullify fasting.
6. Injections through the skin or muscle or joints or veins, with theexception ofintravenous feeding.
7. Blood donation or receiving blood transfusion.
8. Oxygen and anaesthetic gases.
9. All substances absorbed into the body through the skin, such ascreams, ointments, and medicated plaster.
10. Drawing blood samples for laboratory testing.
11. Catheter and media for arteriography of heart or other organs.
12. Endoscopy for diagnostic or intervention purposes.
13. Mouth wash, gargle or oral spray, provided nothing is swallowedinto the stomach.
14. Hysteroscopy or insertion of an intrauterine device.
15. Biopsy of the liver or other organs.
A majority of participants added the following:
1. Nose drops, nose sprays, and inhalers.
2. Anal injections, anoscopes, or digital rectal examination.
3. Surgery involving general anaesthetic, if the patient decided to fast.
4. Machine or intraperitoneal renal dialysis.
5. Use of gastroscope, provided it does not entail the introduction ofliquids or other substances into the stomach.
Keputusan yang telah dicapai didalam seminar "An Islamic View ofCertain Contemporary Medical Issues" menepati Fiqh Tarjih dan jugaFiqh Taysir (ringan/mudah) . Perkara-perkara yang tidak membatalkanpuasa yang disenaraikan diatas disokong oleh ulama-ulama kontemporidan lama termasuklah Shiekh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyah, Sheikh Dr YusufAl-Qardhawi, Sheikh Atiyah Saqr, Sheikh Mohammad Salih Al-Munajjid,Sheikh Ibn Utsaimin, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz dan lain-lain. Malahanperkara seperti suntikan ini pernah difatwakan hukumnya tidakmembatalkan puasa oleh Sheikh Mohammad Bakhiet Al-Mutiei pada tahun 1919.
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